Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 2008

Dear Parents,

The time has come for Oklahoma's state mandated test once again. The OCCT will be administered from April 10-25. Hawthorne will begin its testing during the week of April 14-18. Tutoring will be offered those student who need an extra "boost" on the following days: Tuesday (April 8, 15), Wednesday (April 9,16), and Thursday (April 10,17). Letters will sent home for eligible students. Please take advantage of this opportunity for your student to excel.


JABizTown (Formally Exchange City)-April 28 We will need parent volunteers. Information will be sent home this week.

Farmer's Market-April 29 at Mark Twain Elementary

Vo-Tech- May 1

5th Grade Day May 2 at Langston University

PROMOTION and 5th Grade Day

Pictures for 5th grade promotion will be take on April 22nd. LifeTouch will provide red caps and gowns for the students to wear. Price list will be sent home with students as soon as we receive them.

Graduation will be on May 23 at (9:oo in the Hawthorne gym. Families are invited to participate in a celebratory lunch/dinner at the Golden Coral at 21st and Memorial.

5th grade party/dance: All fifth graders are invited to attend a party/dance that will be hosted by the fifth grade teachers (Ms. Whitfield, Ms. Inks, Ms. Catsavis) and the graduation coordinator (Ms. Mitchell). Please note that this event if for 5th grade students only.

Students start to become slack after the state test because they feel that school is over. We also notice that there are more absences. Please remember that there is one more quarter of school and it is important to finish strong. It is extremely important for 5th grade students to remain focused as they are acquiring the skills and content that will help them make a successful transition to middle school. Please know that your student will be expected to accept more personal responsibility in the areas of academics and behavior. This is a necessary process for your student as they mature into responsible citizens. Please assist in this area at home.
Thanks for all that you do and sharing your care,

Ms. Whitfield NBCTPin It now!

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