Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Update

No School
Students will enjoy two days off while teachers are provided professional development on October 16 and 17.

Benchmark Testing
Unit 2 benchmarks will be tested on Oct. 3-8
Unit 3 benchmarks will be tested on Nov.-5

Enduring Spirit: Native American Artistic Traditions
Fifth graders will participate in a Gilcrease Goes to School event on Oct. 24th. The presentation will include stories about Native Americans, a brief history of the museum, and proper museum etiquette. Questions and discussions of student's prior knowledge of the subject as well as an introduction to formal art elements will be included.
Enduring Spirits takes a regional look at the art made by native peoples from the Great Plains , Indian Territory, the East, the Southwest, and the Northwest coast.

Report Cards
1st quarter report cards will be sent home on Ocober 24th, so be on the lookout for them!

Student-Led Conferencing
Student-led conferencing will begin on October 27th and continue to October 31. There are no classes for students on October 31. This is an opportunity for your child to take responsibility for their learning by sharing their academic successes and working with you and me to develop goals and strategies for those areas in which they are struggling.PLEASE support your child and attend a conference. (A hard copy sign-up sheet was sent out last week).

Please make sure that you are aware of the policies and procedures that are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct book.
Outerwear 6
Cell Phone 14

Phone...(918) 925.1340
E-mail... Ms. Whitfield

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