Friday, January 9, 2009

January Update

Welcome Back! I hope that all enjoyed a wondrous holiday celebration and that you were able to achieve some measure of relaxation over the extended vacaction.
A big Whitville thanks goes out to these parent,Ms. Peters; Ms. Jackson, Mr. Davis, and Ms. West, who volunteered their time during our Christmas Celebration. A special thanks goes out to Ms. Morris who provided a gift for all of the citizens of Whitville.

* Remember that students are to be in uniform each day. Coats and large sweaters are to be kept in the locker during the day. Shirts under the uniform shirt are to be the same color. Shirts are to be tucked in (boys and girls. This is District Policy.

* DON'T LOOSE YOUR GIFT FROM SANTA!!! Electronics are not allowed in the classroom that includes cell phones.

*Replenish your child's supplies. Check to see that they have adequate paper, pencils, and other supplies.

Schools of Choice Transfers:
If you are interested in your child attending a magnet school, please make sure that you pick up an application, either from the school office or from the Education Service Center. ALL applications are due at ESC on Jan. 31 by 4:00pm. Please read and follow the instructions, on the application, carefully. Applications are not to be brought back to the school or me. It is your responsibility to get the application to the appropriate place (Education Service Center).

5th Grade Parent Meeting: Jan. 14th @5:30pm-?We will discuss the transfer/application process with you. Be sure to bring all your paper work with you. We will look at it and make sure that eveything is in order. (No, we will not send or take-in the application for you). We will also go over the upcoming state tests with you, talk about our upcoming fieldtrips, and the end of the year promotion. Hope to see you there!

Gates MacGinitie Reading Assessment: Jan. 6, 2009
Unit 5 benchmark test window is Jan. 23-28.

Upcoming Test:
Writing Test-Feb. 25 (A testbooklet will be sent home as soon as I recieve it from the State Education Department)

Upcoming Events:
Oxley Nature Center: Jan 16
BizTown April 29 (Parents we will need thirteen (13) volunteers to help us out on this day).

I applied for a Target Teach Field Trip Grant and I won it. I wrote the grant for a fieldtrip to the Jenks Aquarium.Pin It now!

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