Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Update

Hello, February is a short month but it sure has been busy. We are beginning to prepare for BIZTown and state mandated testing. We also have several learning journeys planned.

** Parents be looking for testing information which will include study guides and testing tips.
OCCT Writing Test: we will take the writing test on Feb. 25
Benchmark Testing: We will take the Reading and Math benchmarks for Unit 6 on Feb 26
Post Benchmark Testing:March 6-11
OCCT State Testing: We will take mandated state testing April 10-22

Living Museum
Students have recieved their famous African-American and are doing their research on a website that I created: Literacy Night will be on Feb 26 from 5:30pm-7:00pm

Student of the Month
Students achieving student of the month for January and February were: John Holman and Tatyana McBee

**Parents it is important that you know that only students who are able to control and be responsible for their behavior at school will be allowed to attend learning journeys. It is our thought that if a student has trouble with their behavior in a school setting they are not ready for the learning journey experience.

BIZTown- We will need 14 volunteers for this learning journey. Volunteer information will be sent home next week.

I wrote and recieved a Target Teach field trip grant. We will be taking the students to the Oklahoma Aquarium in May.

Upcoming learning journeys include: Langston 5th Grade Day (May 1); Tulsa Technology (April 24); Tulsa Air and Space Museum (March 6)Pin It now!

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