Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Update
School has been in session for eight days and already we have learned a lot.

Back-to-School Night: Please join us on Sept. 3rd for back-to-school night. You will have an opportunity to look at the school year that has been outlined for your child. I will discuss the following topics:
* curriculum
* discipline
*schools of choice
* communication
* middle school transitions
* and many more topics
I will also have a question and answer session for any topics that I may not remember to bring up but are of interest or concern to you as the parent. I will try to answer all questions or steer in the right directions to find the answer.

OCCT TEST Data Conferences: These conferences will be held on Sept. 10-12. I will be discussing your child's OCCT test data from the 4th grade. It is important to understand the implications of the data and prepare for any remediation that may be needed so that your child has a successful transition to middle school.

Unit 1 Curriculum
In Math we have reviewed expanded, standard, and words forms for numbers. We are now learning about factors, multiples, and prime/composite numbers.
In Reading we have started our SRA Reading groups and are continuing to read and learn skills in our Scott Foresman basal. We are also Reading Dectectives as our book report for the month will focus on the genre of mystery.
In Social Studies we have begun to read about the geography of the United States. We will also review states, capitals, and regions from 4th grade.
In Science we will concentrate on environments and the ecology of Oklahoma.

Learning Journeys

The following learning journeys have been confirmed:
Weather School with James Aydelott on Sept. 11 @ 1:00pm 4th and 5th grade students'
"The Hobbit" on Jan. 22 @ 11:30 am @ the PAC
"JABizTown" March 26th (All Day)

I wrote and recieved FOX 23's "One Class at a Time" grant. This grant will fund a learning journey to the Tall Grass Prairie or to Oklahoma City.
Last year, I wrote and recieved a grant from Target. That grant was used to take the students to the Oklahoma Aquarium. I have written this grant again and if it is funded the students will again go the Oklahoma Aquarium.

Please check out these two sites as they contain proposals for donations to the classroom.

Classroom Economy

The classroom economy is up and running. Students received their first paychecks on the 28th of August and they made their first deposit on the 31st of August. Students are previewing the want ads to see what jobs are available in the Whitville Community. Students will fill out job applications on Sept. 4th. Students will also purchase their checkbooks on the 4th.
Please ask your child about the classroom economy, this adventure is designed to mimic real-life economic situations as close as I can. (ie bank, taxes, stock market, police, government, fines, rent, etc.).

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