Saturday, October 17, 2009

October News

WOW it is already October.

5th Grade Parent Committee: Parents who are interested in starting a Parent Committee for the end-of-the-year celebrations are asked to come to a meeting on Friday, October 30th from 3:00pm- 4:00pm. The fifth grade teachers will be at the initial meeting to offer suggestions and help set up a timeline.

Unit 2 Benchmark Testing: Reading and Math Oct 20- Oct. 22

Red Ribbon Week: October 26-30 Thanks to the generosity of the Kaiser Foundation and various donors my project, "What Can I do for Oklahoma?" has been funded. This project will be tied to the science curriculum and webquest I have developed to meet the requirements for Sensesational Science and Thinkquest.

Classroom Economy: The students are having a wonderful time learning about the realities of having a job, paying rent, and keeping a checkbook. The Whitville Community Gift Shop will open on Monday, Oct. 26th from 11:30am-12:15pm. Our first Market Day will be Nov. 24th. This is the day before Thanksgiving Break.Pin It now!

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