Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November Update

Wow! It has been a busy month and it almost got away before I posted a message for you.
Let's begin with some housekeeping items and a review of expectations for students and parents:
Homework: Parents please monitor your child's homework. Remember that homework is a 1/3 of your child's grade.
Classroom Behavior: I call parents when I have tried everything that I know as a professional educator to help a student redirect negative behavior into a more positive behavior. When I call you I am expecting that the behavior will change or at least be modified in a way that the classroom sees a positve change. If after calling a parent, the child's behavior does not change then I begin documentation that wll result in either suspension from school or placement in an environment where the child can be sussessful.
Progress Reports: I will be sending progress reports home (on a weekly-bi-weekly basis) for some students. I know that many of you are wanting a transfer to a "school of choice" . It is important for you to monitor your child's progress, so that there are not any unexpected suprises during the application process. The guidelines for admission have been fully outlined on the TPS website
Magnet School Transfer Information: Applications are due at ESC by 4:00 pm on January 22, 2010. It is the responsibility of the parent to get the application and all attatachments to ESC on or before the deadline. I will assist you with questions that you may have, however I will not make copies of report cards, or transcripts. Students will be required to sign for their signed and sealed recommendation letters.
Parent Meeting: On Dec. 10th there will be a 5th grade parent meeting to discuss magnet school transfer policies.Please attend if you have questions or need assistance in this area.

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