Sunday, December 27, 2009


Welcome to the 2010: Countdown to 6th Grade

In just a few short months the students in the Whitville Community will leave elementary school and start on the serious journey of middle school and beyond. We have so many things to still cover and such a short time to do it. This is a reminder that we must come to school each day with our minds focused on our goals.
Schools of Choice: Deadline for applications Jan. 22, 2010 at 4:00. Please remember that teacher recommendation letters need to be turned in as soon as school resumes so that they can be returned to you in a timely manner.
Living Museum: Students have recieved the name if the African-American they will be representing in our annual living museum. In art they are creating a book to display the information that they collect about their person. We will go to the computer lab Tues and Thurs to research specific information about our person.
Writing: The OCCT state writing test will be adminstered on February 24th. We will be working on writing every day for 45 minutes after reading block. Assignments for Reader's Workshop will become homework during this time. Students will be working on their book to publish one day a week. Disney Planet Challenge: Thanks to Disney Planet Challenge and Donors Choose we have recieved funding to complete another phase in our quest to creating a wildlife habitat in our outdoor garden. We will be working on some aspect of our Disney Challenge everyday. The project submit date is February 26th

Target Field Trip: YIPPEE!! We have recieved funding to go to the Okahoma Aquarium again this year. Thanks Target!
Biz Town: 5th graders will be at JABiz Town again this year. We will need volunteers. Please be looking for more information in April.OCCT Boot Camp will start the week after the OCCT writing test.
OSTA: I will be presenting at the OSTA technoloogy conference in Oklahoma City, Feb. 8-10. I will be talking to other teachers about Thinkquest.
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