Thursday, June 3, 2010

The 2009-2010 Class are 6th Graders!

The school year has come to an end and your elementary babies are now headed to middle school. Thanks for allowing me to share your most precious possession during this school year.Pin It now!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Welcome to the 2010: Countdown to 6th Grade

In just a few short months the students in the Whitville Community will leave elementary school and start on the serious journey of middle school and beyond. We have so many things to still cover and such a short time to do it. This is a reminder that we must come to school each day with our minds focused on our goals.
Schools of Choice: Deadline for applications Jan. 22, 2010 at 4:00. Please remember that teacher recommendation letters need to be turned in as soon as school resumes so that they can be returned to you in a timely manner.
Living Museum: Students have recieved the name if the African-American they will be representing in our annual living museum. In art they are creating a book to display the information that they collect about their person. We will go to the computer lab Tues and Thurs to research specific information about our person.
Writing: The OCCT state writing test will be adminstered on February 24th. We will be working on writing every day for 45 minutes after reading block. Assignments for Reader's Workshop will become homework during this time. Students will be working on their book to publish one day a week. Disney Planet Challenge: Thanks to Disney Planet Challenge and Donors Choose we have recieved funding to complete another phase in our quest to creating a wildlife habitat in our outdoor garden. We will be working on some aspect of our Disney Challenge everyday. The project submit date is February 26th

Target Field Trip: YIPPEE!! We have recieved funding to go to the Okahoma Aquarium again this year. Thanks Target!
Biz Town: 5th graders will be at JABiz Town again this year. We will need volunteers. Please be looking for more information in April.OCCT Boot Camp will start the week after the OCCT writing test.
OSTA: I will be presenting at the OSTA technoloogy conference in Oklahoma City, Feb. 8-10. I will be talking to other teachers about Thinkquest.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November Update

Wow! It has been a busy month and it almost got away before I posted a message for you.
Let's begin with some housekeeping items and a review of expectations for students and parents:
Homework: Parents please monitor your child's homework. Remember that homework is a 1/3 of your child's grade.
Classroom Behavior: I call parents when I have tried everything that I know as a professional educator to help a student redirect negative behavior into a more positive behavior. When I call you I am expecting that the behavior will change or at least be modified in a way that the classroom sees a positve change. If after calling a parent, the child's behavior does not change then I begin documentation that wll result in either suspension from school or placement in an environment where the child can be sussessful.
Progress Reports: I will be sending progress reports home (on a weekly-bi-weekly basis) for some students. I know that many of you are wanting a transfer to a "school of choice" . It is important for you to monitor your child's progress, so that there are not any unexpected suprises during the application process. The guidelines for admission have been fully outlined on the TPS website
Magnet School Transfer Information: Applications are due at ESC by 4:00 pm on January 22, 2010. It is the responsibility of the parent to get the application and all attatachments to ESC on or before the deadline. I will assist you with questions that you may have, however I will not make copies of report cards, or transcripts. Students will be required to sign for their signed and sealed recommendation letters.
Parent Meeting: On Dec. 10th there will be a 5th grade parent meeting to discuss magnet school transfer policies.Please attend if you have questions or need assistance in this area.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

October News

WOW it is already October.

5th Grade Parent Committee: Parents who are interested in starting a Parent Committee for the end-of-the-year celebrations are asked to come to a meeting on Friday, October 30th from 3:00pm- 4:00pm. The fifth grade teachers will be at the initial meeting to offer suggestions and help set up a timeline.

Unit 2 Benchmark Testing: Reading and Math Oct 20- Oct. 22

Red Ribbon Week: October 26-30 Thanks to the generosity of the Kaiser Foundation and various donors my project, "What Can I do for Oklahoma?" has been funded. This project will be tied to the science curriculum and webquest I have developed to meet the requirements for Sensesational Science and Thinkquest.

Classroom Economy: The students are having a wonderful time learning about the realities of having a job, paying rent, and keeping a checkbook. The Whitville Community Gift Shop will open on Monday, Oct. 26th from 11:30am-12:15pm. Our first Market Day will be Nov. 24th. This is the day before Thanksgiving Break.Pin It now!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Update
School has been in session for eight days and already we have learned a lot.

Back-to-School Night: Please join us on Sept. 3rd for back-to-school night. You will have an opportunity to look at the school year that has been outlined for your child. I will discuss the following topics:
* curriculum
* discipline
*schools of choice
* communication
* middle school transitions
* and many more topics
I will also have a question and answer session for any topics that I may not remember to bring up but are of interest or concern to you as the parent. I will try to answer all questions or steer in the right directions to find the answer.

OCCT TEST Data Conferences: These conferences will be held on Sept. 10-12. I will be discussing your child's OCCT test data from the 4th grade. It is important to understand the implications of the data and prepare for any remediation that may be needed so that your child has a successful transition to middle school.

Unit 1 Curriculum
In Math we have reviewed expanded, standard, and words forms for numbers. We are now learning about factors, multiples, and prime/composite numbers.
In Reading we have started our SRA Reading groups and are continuing to read and learn skills in our Scott Foresman basal. We are also Reading Dectectives as our book report for the month will focus on the genre of mystery.
In Social Studies we have begun to read about the geography of the United States. We will also review states, capitals, and regions from 4th grade.
In Science we will concentrate on environments and the ecology of Oklahoma.

Learning Journeys

The following learning journeys have been confirmed:
Weather School with James Aydelott on Sept. 11 @ 1:00pm 4th and 5th grade students'
"The Hobbit" on Jan. 22 @ 11:30 am @ the PAC
"JABizTown" March 26th (All Day)

I wrote and recieved FOX 23's "One Class at a Time" grant. This grant will fund a learning journey to the Tall Grass Prairie or to Oklahoma City.
Last year, I wrote and recieved a grant from Target. That grant was used to take the students to the Oklahoma Aquarium. I have written this grant again and if it is funded the students will again go the Oklahoma Aquarium.

Please check out these two sites as they contain proposals for donations to the classroom.

Classroom Economy

The classroom economy is up and running. Students received their first paychecks on the 28th of August and they made their first deposit on the 31st of August. Students are previewing the want ads to see what jobs are available in the Whitville Community. Students will fill out job applications on Sept. 4th. Students will also purchase their checkbooks on the 4th.
Please ask your child about the classroom economy, this adventure is designed to mimic real-life economic situations as close as I can. (ie bank, taxes, stock market, police, government, fines, rent, etc.).

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome to a New School Year

Hello to prospective parents and students:
Summer vacation is coming to an end and it is time to start concentrating on the school year ahead. I can not wait to get started and I believe that you will be pleased with the school year that has been planned. Below I have listed a few activities to look forward to:

Power School
The district will be implementing a new program that will allow parents/guardians to have access to their student(s) grades and behavior via the Internet. It is also important to note that this is a courtesy and may not always reflect the most current grade for the student. You as the parent will still need to keep the lines of communication open with me if there is a concern and/or question.

Classroom Economy
This will be a new adventure for the students in Room 15. Economics is an objective that is required in the Social Studies curriculum but it is often touched on lightly through the school year. This year I will be concentrating on students developing a real sense of economics and how it will impact them as citizens. This unit will correlate with the end of the year trip to JABiztown. Be looking for more information soon.

Student Publishing
Students will write and publish their own book this year through StudenTreasures. We will beginning working on the book at the start of the school year and publish on March 26th 2010.

Oklahoma Eco-Regions
Students will learn about the 12 Eco-regions of Oklahoma. I am hoping to take students to the Tulsa Zoo, and the Tall Grass Prairie as a part of this study.

A few things to be thinking about are:

Schools of Choice: Remember that your child's first and second quarter grades are considered during the application period. Attendance and tardies are also looked at. Your child's behavior plays a KEY part and should not be taken lightly. When I complete the recommendation letter I must consider all aspects of the student including their behavior while in the classroom, participating in specials, on fieldtrips, and when there is a guest teacher.

Middle School Transition: 5th grade students will be introduced to a higher level of personal responsibility for their own learning and behavior. Unless there is an issue that requires immediate parent notification (as outlined by the Student Code of Conduct), students will be given the opportunity to fix their academic and behavior issues. This will allow your student to practice and put into operation the behaviors that will allow for a successful transition to middle school.

End of the School Year: If you are interested in being a part of the 5th Grade Parent Committee, please let me know as soon as possible. The end of the year arrives more quickly than we think. The Parent Committee will be responsible for planning the end of the year activites for the 5th grade.

Promotion Activities: Ms. Mitchell will be in charge of the 5th grade promotion exercise. Begin looking for information in March.Pin It now!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Update

Hello, I hope that everyone is enjoying their spring vacation. I know that I am. When we return to school it will get hectic really quick! We have a lot to do and little time to do it. With that thought in mind, I need to remind you that behavior issues will be dealt with quickly. My job is to make sure that students are prepared for OCCT's in April. Parents make sure that you remind your child that their job at school is to learn.

We will also finalize the preperations for JABiztown on April 8. A letter will be sent home on Monday, asking for volunteers for the shops. We are in need of 9-10 volunteers. If there are more volunteers than are needed we will conduct a lottery. On April the 6th there will be a training for the volunteers.

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